£1,250 contribution towards selected 2024 YZ & WR models

Enter the victory zone in 2025 with a £1,250* contribution from Yamaha when you  purchase a 2024 YZ250F, WR250F, YZ450F or WR450F model, but hurry as this offer is only available for a limited time whilst stocks last.


Retail sales only. Subject to availability at participating dealers only on selected new 2024 models when purchased between 03/01/2025 and 31/03/2025.

Yamaha contribution is available on:

  • 2024 YZ250F: £1,250
  • 2024 WR250F: £1,250
  • 2024 YZ450F: £1,250
  • 2024 WR450F: £1,250

Available at participating authorised Yamaha dealers only while stocks last.

2024 WR250F

2024 WR250F


2024 WR450F

2024 WR450F


2024 YZ250F

2024 YZ250F


2024 YZ450F

2024 YZ450F


Developing the Advanced Motorcycle Stabilisation Assist System (AMSAS)

Controlling drive and steering forces for rider–machine unity and peace of mind for all motorcyclists

Last year, Yamaha Motor announced its Jin-Ki Kanno x Jin-Ki Anzen Safety Vision, which aims to create a world free of accidents together with our customers. The three pillars of the approach are: 1) Technology that assists with rider recognition, judgment, operation, and damage mitigation, 2) Skills, in which we encourage improvement of users’ riding skills, and 3) Connectivity, where the Cloud is used to provide feedback for safety initiatives. To highlight the Technology pillar in this issue, we spoke with the developers of the Advanced Motorcycle Stabilisation Assist System (AMSAS). As it is naturally linked to Jin-Ki Anzen, we asked about its aims and the value it offers.

The drive actuator mounted on the front wheel 

The steering actuator mounted on the handlebars

A Rider Aid to Enhance Stability with Starts and at Low Speeds

Accidents involving motorcycles have been attributed primarily to recognition errors (10%), decision errors (17%), and operation errors (5%) on the part of the rider. Data also indicates that approximately 70% of motorcycle accidents occur within two seconds of the trigger leading to the accident. Based on these analyses of accident causes, Yamaha Motor’s development of rider aids is underway according to four vectors: assisted danger prediction, damage prevention and assisted defensive riding, assisted evasive riding manoeuvres, and damage mitigation.

Unveiled last year, AMSAS stabilises a vehicle’s attitude at low speeds by controlling drive forces and steering forces. “[Its most distinctive feature is] its approach to use an arrangement highly applicable to existing vehicles since it does not require any modifications to the frame,” says Project Leader Akitoshi Suzuki. The prototype system under development uses a production YZF-R25 for its platform and is equipped with a 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) along with drive and steering actuators.

AMSAS is a rider aid that focuses on the instability a motorcycle experiences when starting off or when riding at low speeds, and works to enhance the stability of the vehicle during these moments. “When starting or stopping, the drive actuator fitted to the front wheel aids with stability, and from there up to about 5 km/h, the steering actuator attached to the handlebars takes over,” explains Suzuki. Through the coordination of the two, the mid-development AMSAS prototype vehicle can move at walking speeds without falling over, regardless of the skill level of the rider aboard.

Jun Sakamoto (left) handles safety strategy at the Technical Development Section and Akitoshi Suzuki (right) serves as the project leader for AMSAS.

A Technology Platform Adaptable to Various Mobility Applications

Yamaha Motor once made headlines when it unveiled the MOTOBOT—an autonomous motorcycle-riding humanoid robot—and MOTOROiD, a proof-of-concept experimental motorcycle equipped with AI and self-balancing technology. “The R&D for AMSAS began with the idea of bringing the technologies and know-how acquired through developing these two models to customers around the world,” says Suzuki.

Jun Sakamoto, who handles safety strategy at Yamaha, explains the value AMSAS aims to offer: “It’s to create conditions where the rider can focus more on operating their bike, so that everyone can enjoy that sense of being one with your machine. By providing an assist when the bike is more unstable and requires skill to operate, we want to deliver fun rooted in peace of mind to a wide range of riders.”

Yamaha has set a target of reducing the number of fatal motorcycle accidents to zero by 2050 and is ramping up efforts according to the three aforementioned pillars of Technology, Skills, and Connectivity. AMSAS is one technology with the potential to become a pivotal rider aid if used in conjunction with other technologies, like the radar-linked Unified Brake System—the first of its kind in the world—already deployed on the TRACER 9 GT+.

“With the base technologies in place now, we’re halfway to our goal of bringing AMSAS’ value to customers,” asserts Suzuki. He and the team have high aspirations for the technology: “From here on, we’ll be working to downscale the sizes of the various components and so on, as we want to develop it into a platform not just for motorcycles, but one also adaptable to a wide range of other personal mobility applications, like bicycles.”


Seeds of Creation: For Greater Safety in Mobility




Yamaha Motor Adopts Newly Developed Eco-Friendly Recycled Polypropylene as a Raw Material

Steps towards employing more carbon-neutral raw materials beginning with ASEAN market commuter models.

Yamaha Motor announced today that it has succeeded in developing a high-quality and environmentally friendly recycled polypropylene (PP) material which can be used for the main exterior bodywork for motorcycles. The Company will begin using the new raw material with the main 2023 commuter models for ASEAN markets.

This eco-friendly recycled PP material is made only from pre-consumer materials* with a traceable manufacturing history and no risk of containing environmentally hazardous substances, such as purging compounds** and scraps, generated in the production processes of petrochemical and molding manufacturers.

Resin materials are often used for the exterior bodywork of motorcycles, and PP materials account for about half of these parts, making it a major raw material for the Company. Yamaha Motor has been driving the development and the use of recycled PP in its products for some time now, but this newly developed material oers even higher levels of strength and quality looks compared to conventional recycled materials. It can also be used for areas requiring greater aesthetic appeal.

With the use of this eco-friendly recycled PP going forward, Yamaha Motor plans to raise the usage ratio of such recycled materials in motorcycles and gradually adopt the material in other product categories as well.

In line with the Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050, Yamaha Motor is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality*** throughout all of its business activities—including its entire supply chain—by 2050. To realize this, the Company has set a goal of switching to 100% sustainable materials by 2050, and will expand its eorts to adopt green and other recycled materials for its products.

* Raw materials, which have not reached customers, and are supplied especially for their use in recycled nal materials

** Intermediary materials produced during resin synthesis

*** Emissions as a direct result of business activities (Scope 1 and 2) and emissions outside of these (Scope 3)

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Off-Road Motorcycle Finance – 11.9% APR

There has never been a better time to go off-road with Yamaha, whether you're just starting out or  looking for the ultimate race winning machine. You can make your off-road dreams a reality thanks to YOU Yamaha Motor Finance’s current offer whereby all Yamaha Off-Road Competition Motorcycles are available at 11.9% APR representative.

This finance offer also includes the YZ125 which is the fastest, lightest and most agile 125cc production motocross bike ever built by Yamaha. This winning 2-stroke is completely redesigned to give you stronger and more usable power – and the ultra-slim chassis is equipped with more powerful brakes and refined suspension settings that deliver podium winning performance.

Available on selected Purchase Plan agreements. Finance figures are subject to change. Finance subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. 18's and over. Guarantee may be required. Santander Consumer Finance RH1 1SR trading as YOU Yamaha Motor Finance.

Representative Finance Example – Purchase Plan

Model Term Monthly Payment Cash Price Customer Deposit Amount of Credit Interest Charges Total Amount Payable Fixed Rate of Interest Duration of Agreement Representative  APR Deposit %
YZ450F 36 £189 £9,400 £3,651.75 £5,748.25 £1,055.75 £10,199.80 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 39%
YZ450F 50th Anniversary Edition 36 £189 £9,600 £3,851.75 £5,748.25 £1,055.75 £10,399.80 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 40%
YZ250F 36 £179 £8,900 £3,455.80 £5,444.20 £999.80 £9,899.80 6.64% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 39%
YZ250F 50th Anniversary Edition 36 £179 £9,100 £3,655.80 £5,444.20 £999.80 £10,099.80 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 40%
YZ250 36 £169 £8,400 £3,260.00 £5,140.00 £944.00 £9,144.00 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 39%
YZ250 50th Anniversary Edition 36 £169 £8,600 £3,460.00 £5,140.00 £944.00 £9,288.25 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 40%
YZ125 36 £159 £7,600 £2,764.25 £4,835.75 £888.25 £8,488.25 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 36%
YZ125 50th Anniversary Edition 36 £159 £7,800 £2,964.25 £4,835.75 £888.25 £8,688.25 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 38%
YZ85LW 36 £109 £5,300 £1,984.75 £3,315.25 £608.75 £5,908.75 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 37%
YZ65 36 £99 £4,900 £1,889.00 £3,011.00 £553.00 £5,453.00 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 39%
WR450F 36 £189 £8,800 £3,051.75 £5,748.25 £1,055.75 £9,855.75 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 35%
WR250F 36 £179 £8,500 £3,055.80 £5,444.20 £999.80 £9,499.80 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 36%
PW50 36 £39 £2,000 £813.75 £1,186.25 £217.75 £2,217.758 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 36%
TT-R125 36 £79 £3,800 £1,397.25 £2,402.75 £441.25 £4,241.25 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 37%
TT-R110 36 £69 £3,200 £1,101.50 £2,098.50 £385.50 £3,585.50 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 34%
TT-R50 36 £39 £2,000 £813.75 £1,186.25 £217.75 £2,217.75 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 41%
YFZ50 36 £69 £3,050 £1,255.50 £1,794.50 £689.50 £3,739.50 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 41%
YFM90R 36 £79 £3,550 £1,147.25 £2,402.75 £441.25 £3,991.25 6.12% p.a. 36 months 11.9% APR 32%
2024 TT-R125

2024 TT-R125


2024 TT-R110

2024 TT-R110


2024 TT-R50

2024 TT-R50


2022 YFZ50

2022 YFZ50


2024 YZ65

2024 YZ65


2024 YZ85

2024 YZ85


2024 YZ125

2024 YZ125


2024 YZ250

2024 YZ250


2024 YZ250F

2024 YZ250F


2024 YZ450F

2024 YZ450F


2024 YZ125 50th Anniversary Edition

2024 YZ125 50th Anniversary Edition


2024 YZ250 50th Anniversary Edition

2024 YZ250 50th Anniversary Edition


2024 YZ250F 50th Anniversary Edition

2024 YZ250F 50th Anniversary Edition


2024 YZ450F 50th Anniversary Edition

2024 YZ450F 50th Anniversary Edition


2023 Yamaha Off Road Competition models

 50 years of winning 

It’s nearly 50 years since Yamaha won its first ever World Motocross Championship, and the past half-century has seen the company’s OffRoad Competition models consistently demonstrate their winning performance by clinching just about every major FIM Motocross and US Super cross title with 4-stroke and 2-stroke machinery.

During 2022 Monster Energy Yamaha factory riders Jeremy Seewer and Maxime Renaux (MXGP)and Jago Geerts (MX2) have been taking regular podiums in FIM Grand Prix – while MonsterEnergy Yamaha Star Racing riders have dominated US Supercross, with Eli Tomac taking the450SX Championship and Christian Craig winning the 250SX West title.

This year, once again, Yamaha demonstrates its commitment to all areas of OffRoadCompetition by offering one of the widest ranges of highly competitive motocross and enduro bikes – as well as line of youth machines including the legendary PW50. 

Following recent major upgrades, the 250cc, 125cc, 85cc and 65cc motocross models and the450cc and 250cc enduro bikes are fitted with new graphics. 

For 2023 Yamaha has focused its attention on the development of an all new YZ450F motocross machine that is lighter, faster and easier to ride, and is designed to live up to its distinguished heritage. 

All-new YZ450F

Putting the rider first: A new path to the victorYZone

Equipped with a lighter and more powerful new engine as well as a newly developed lightweight chassis and all-new ergonomic bodywork, the 2023 YZ450F represents a major step forward forYamaha’s flagship motocross machine. 

On every motorcycle the rider and machine must work in harmony to achieve optimum performance, and this is particularly true for a motocross machine where constant body weight shifting is required when accelerating, braking and cornering. A successful OffRoadCompetition bike needs to behave as an extension of the rider’s body and mind, and for this reason the YZ450F development team started out with the needs and expectations of the rider as their primary focus.

Rider-centric design

Rather than introducing new technology for technology’s sake, Yamaha’s designers have put the rider first and followed a rider-centric approach which constantly evaluated the potential advantages that any new feature would offer to a wide range of riders with different skill levels. The result is a highly competitive motocross bike that is fast as well as fun to ride on every typeof track – whether the rider is a seasoned pro or a weekend racer. Producing 5% more power across the range and weighing just 109 kg with a full tank of fuel, this new model is designed to reaffirm Yamaha’s position as one of the leading brands in motocross. 

All new YZ450F engine: Lighter, faster, easier.

For 2023 the YZ450F’s engine has undergone a total redesign, with every component reviewed and analysed, making this the most significant change to the power plant since the original reversed-head layout was introduced in 2010. With a front facing intake and rear exit exhaust, this unique engine layout delivers a high level of running efficiency – and the positions of the air box, fuel tank and exhaust and the rearwards slanted cylinder contributes towards mass centralization.

Lighter and more durable, the all new engine is designed to deliver more linear output characteristics for stronger and better pulling power with improved driveability, making the2023 model easier to ride at all engine speeds.

New piston, lightweight cylinder and redesigned crank assembly 

The reversed-head engine benefits from an optimized combustion chamber and a newlyd esigned piston, as well as a lighter weight cylinder body that enhance power output and behaviour. To accommodate a 500rpm rev limit increase the new engine is equipped with a high-precision, low-friction cam chain – and for increased running efficiency the crank assembly andcon road are redesigned, and a lighter plain bearing replaces the previous needle roller design. Anew single balancer weight features a new hollow balancer shaft, and this improved lighter design reduces vibration.

Increased air intake volume

For 2023 the high-efficiency front facing intake design is further improved by a reshaped intake port with a straighter passage to the cylinder head and the use of larger diameter 39mm titanium intake valves that increase air intake volume by 9% at maximum valve lift. To complement the improved intake layout, the exhaust port’s shape is also revised to give a smoother connection to the exhaust. 

New air intake routing with vortex airbox

There is a completely new air intake path, with fresh air now channelled through the space between the fuel tank, frame, seat and side panels. This re-routed airflow helps to prevent water, dust and mud from entering airbox, and results in a lighter and slimmer machine with more compact bodywork. The 2023 model is also fitted with a highly efficient airbox design which creates a vortex so that dust is separated from the incoming air by centrifugal forces before it enters the new round three-dimensional filter. 

Newly designed transmission and lightweight clutch

To match the engine’s 5% increase in overall power a newly designed transmission is fitted. The distance between the drive shafts has been widened and the diameter of each gear increased to reduce weight and enhance the strength of the 5-speed gearbox.The previous model’s 2-piece steel/aluminium clutch is replaced by a durable and lightweight one-piece steel design with disc springs instead of conventional coil springs. This new clutch is significantly lighter and slimmer, weighing 0.75kg less – and there’s a more direct feel and lighter pull at the lever. 

Increased durability

For increased durability across the more powerful engine’s wider rpm range, the new YZ450F engine is equipped with an updated cooling system as well as a new dry sump lubrication system– and there’s also a new timing chain and tensioner, and a newly designed con rod. 

Redesigned aluminium bilateral beam frame

Following the company’s rider-centric approach, Yamaha’s engineers have focused on redesigning the aluminium bilateral beam frame to provide a lighter feel, increased agility and improved stability.

The character and behaviour of the new chassis is determined by many factors, including the geometry, specific rigidity balance of each separate component, and the way the components interact with each other. A significant change for 2023 is the relocation of the joint between the tank rails and head pipe, which is now 15mm lower than previously – and the joint between thef rame tubing that connects the tank rails to the down tube has also been lowered by the same amount. 

Other important changes include increasing the rigidity of the down tube as well as the cross tube and swing arm pivot area – and the new frame now features a 4mm thick steel front engine mount with three through bolts – as opposed to an 8mm thick aluminium engine mount with one through bolt.

Compact and slim next generation bodywork

The YZ450F is equipped with completely new ‘Horizontal Movement’ bodywork that gives this flagship motocross machine a sleek and tight new look. Every single exterior panel is redesigned, and the result is a slimmer and more compact body with a seamless and rounded finish giving increased agility for rapid body weight shifting.

A new fresh air supply route to the intake enables the elimination of the front air ducts, and this has allowed the fitment of much more compact shrouds with a reduced width of 50mm, as well as a narrower new fuel tank – giving a much slimmer centre section. 

The compact front fender is matched by a new shorter rear fender, and together with the new seat, air filter cover and fuel tank, the YZ450F has a flatter horizontal profile and a much shorter front to rear body length. New side panels and fork guards complete the dynamic new look.

Revised rider triangle

The relative positions of all three elements of the rider triangle – namely the seat, handlebars and footrests – have been changed to achieve an idealized riding position for varying physiques.The seat height is increased by 5mm and features a much flatter surface. Another improvement is the more rounded profile of the seat’s left and right sides, making lateral body movement easier and more comfortable.

Footrests are now positioned 5mm lower, giving a total increase of 10mm in legroom to accommodate larger riders, and the 4-position adjustable handlebars are moved to give a more natural riding position – while the rubber handlebar mounts ensure riding comfort.

Updated KYB front and rear suspension valving

New suspension valving improve bump absorption performance and increase levels of traction –and for easier set up the best-in-class KYB forks are equipped with a hand-adjustable compression damping adjuster. Riders can now access clear information and recommendations on suspension settings via the Power Tuner app on their smartphone, taking the guesswork out of adjustments.

Improved rear brake feel

The rear brake plays a key role in directional changes and effective corner entry, and the degree of feel transmitted to the rider is crucial for maintaining control. For this reason, the new model is equipped with a new rear hose with reduced rigidity that improves the balance of the brake input and gives the rider more accurate control. 

New adjustable Traction Control System

The use of a new Traction Control System is another example of how Yamaha’s rider-centric philosophy is focused on introducing technology that works for the benefit of the YZ450F rider.This electronic control system offers two levels of assistance as well as an OFF function, and by preventing the machine losing traction entirely it enables the rider to fully concentrate on the track ahead. The YZ450F’s new Traction Control System is controlled via the Power Tuner app, enabling the rider to select their own preferred degree of intervention to match track conditions, changing weather and skill level.

Refined Launch Control System

The Launch Control System features a new ‘Rev limit’ function that can be set with a maximum rpm between 6,000rpm and 11,000rpm in 500rpm increments, allowing the rider power off the line at full throttle and concentrate on getting the holeshot. When the launch control system recognizes that the start has been completed the Rev limit function automatically turns of and when 3rd gear is reached the Launch Control system is deactivated.

Reduced weight

Yamaha’s designers have analysed every major and minor component in their mission to make the new YZ450F one of the lightest machines in the category – measured ‘wet’ with a full tank of fuel. 

A new fuel pump, airbox and chain guide make significant contributions to the lower weight and help to centralize mass for increased chassis agility. . Even the smallest parts – including thet hrottle cable, handlebar switches and water pump impeller – have been redesigned to get weight down to just 109 kg wet – a reduction of 2,3 kg. 

More intuitive new Power Tuner app

For 2023 Power Tuner app has been upgraded and features an intuitive ‘Quick Tuning’ function that makes it much easier and quicker to select the desired engine characteristics by sliding a scrollbar that runs from ‘Smooth’ through to ‘Aggressive’. The new app includes additionalf unctions including a lap timer, rpm, fuel consumption, speed and other data, and there is also a suspension FAQ page that helps the YZ450F owner to achieve their best set up. 

Technical Highlights

All-new lighter, slimmer and more compact 450cc engine

Increased linear power at all engine speeds, and 500rpm higher rev limit

Increased air intake capacity with 39mm intake valves

Revised 5-speed transmission and new lightweight clutch

New dry sump lubrication system

2,3 kg overall bike weight reduction to 109 kg wet with full tank of fuel

Redesigned bilateral aluminium beam frame with revised rigidity balance

Updated front fork and rear shock internal valving

New hand adjustable front fork compression damping adjuster

Slimmer and more compact bodywork for increased rider agility

Flatter and narrower seat for greater freedom of movement

New 3-mode adjustable Traction Control System

Updated Launch Control System

New more intuitive Power Tuner app with Quick Tuning

New lap timer feature and more

FAQ-style suspension set up guidance 

Availability, colour options and price

The new YZ450F will be available from November 2022 and will be offered in 2 colour options: Icon Blue and Monster Black. The YZ450F Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition features black body work with blue highlights and Monster Energy graphics, inspired by the look of the factory race bikes. Price may vary per country, please contact your national Yamaha distributor for more information.

Yamaha motocross and enduro models for 2023

Featuring a wide selection of 4-stroke and 2-stroke models – from the all-new YZ450F through to the YZ65 – as well as the WR-F enduro machines – Yamaha’s 2023 OffRoad Competition lineup is one of the most competitive and diverse ranges.

With a winning record in MX2 Grand Prix and US Supercross – including Maxime Renaux takingthe 2021 MX2 World Championship – the YZ250F’s speed and agility are legendary. FeaturingYamaha’s high-efficiency reversed-head engine and lightweight aluminium chassis, it’s the 250cc4-stroke of choice for ambitious racers.

Yamaha made its name with 2-strokes, and the YZ125 and YZ250 are amongst the best in the irrespective classes. With their super-agile handling and explosive performance, these lightweight motocrossers have gained a massive and loyal following amongst 2-stroke fanatics.

The latest YZ85 reinforces its position as one of the leading machines in the youth racing class –and with its pure racing DNA the YZ65 gives new racers the very best start in the sport of motocross.

Delivering outstanding performance and easy agility, Yamaha’s WR450F and WR250F enduro bikes have been developed from the winning motocross machinery, and benefit from specific enduro features such as a wide-ratio gearbox, revised intake and exhaust systems, special mapping and cooling systems and more to ensure strong and useable performance.

Yamaha’s TT-R kids bike range features a model to suit riders of all ages. Powered by reliable and easy-to-maintain 4-stroke air-cooled engines, the TT-R50, TT-R110 and TT-R125 provide years of family fun and lasting memories. And, of course, there’s the legendary PW50 2-stroke, the ultimate beginner’s bike with fully automatic transmission, shaft drive and handlebar mounted brake levers. With sales of around 400,000 units, it’s been the number one choice for kids for 40years and counting!

Availability, colour options and price

These motocross and enduro models are supplied in Yamaha’s latest generation Icon Blue racing colour scheme with new graphics and will be available from July 2022 onwards, availability varies per model.

YZ250F, YZ250 and YZ125 will also be available in Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition specification, featuring black bodywork with blue highlights and Monster Energy graphics inspired by the design of the Yamaha Factory riders winning machines. 

Price may vary per country, please contact your national Yamaha distributor for more information.

Yamaha Genuine Accessories

Yamaha is constantly developing GYTR® Performance Parts and Kits which are thoroughly tested and evaluated by Yamaha Racing teams and made available to privateer riders and teams to prepare their ultimate racing machines. 

Yamaha Genuine Accessories features a range of premium off road riding gear and leisure clothing for adults and kids – as well as individual accessories, in addition to the GYTR®Performance Parts and kits, and a full selection of Yamalube lubricants. Yamaha owners can be sure that every item in the Yamaha Genuine Accessories line has been designed to offer the best performance with premium quality and the perfect fit 

Yamaha launches the Ténéré Spirit Experience for 2023

The ultimate rally-raid adventure for every Ténéré owner.

To ensure that you have the chance to enjoy your Ténéré to the full, for 2023 we introduce the exclusive new Ténéré Spirit Experience in which you can join some of the world’s most famous rally-raid events, with the official Yamaha Ténéré World Raid Team.

Ténéré Spirit Experience

The Ténéré Spirit Experience…

For this unique experience you will have the opportunity to select a rally-raid and follow both the actual route, as well as a parallel route to the race competitors, living alongside the Ténéré World Raid race team in the bivouac each evening.*

Run by former Enduro champion and Dakar Racing Team manager Marc Bourgeois through his company MBSM on behalf of Yamaha, the Ténéré Spirit Experience is open to Ténéré owners who want to take their adventure riding to another level and get a real taste of rally-raid but without the intense pressure of competition while also being able to experience the beauty the landscapes provide. 

…Total package from start to finish.

Ténéré Spirit Experience is a total 360 degrees package that is designed to cover every aspect of the preparation, flights, bike transportation and every aspect of your participation in the chosen rally-raid.

Before the event you can choose to attend a Ténéré Centre** if you want to improve your riding or navigation skills, and MBSM will take care of everything else from start to finish – including daily pre-event briefings, logistics, technical assistance, GPS tracker fitment, breakfast and dinner and camping.

Take your Ténéré on an epic ride.

You will be riding your own machine at the Ténéré Spirit Experience events, but you don’t need to worry about making too many modifications.

MBSM technicians will equip your Ténéré with special wheels and tyres, as well as navigation equipment prior to the ride – and in some cases the Ténéré will also be required to be fitted with an extra fuel tank for specific events.

Explore the full Adventure line-up 

Motocross-winning technology for Yamaha’s 250cc enduro bike

Yamaha’s WR250F and WR450F enduro bikes feature some of the smartest technology in the off road world, including a unique reversed cylinder head engine design as well as the pioneering Power Tuner smartphone app that offers fast and easy trackside tuning.

The forward-facing intake and rear-exit exhaust creates a reversed layout that not only gives greater inlet efficiency for stronger engine performance – it also helps to achieve a high level of mass centralisation by locating the air intake in front of the bike, with the fuel tank positioned in the centre. The use of a rearward-slanted cylinder and wraparound exhaust also helps to centralise weight, giving extremely agile handling and lightweight manoeuvrability.

As well as their powerful and tractable engines, the WR250F and WR450F enduro bikes also benefit from an industry-leading chassis design that utilises a lightweight aluminium bilateral beam chassis with best-in-class KYB speed sensitive front forks and a link-type rear end that delivers precise and stable handling on the most hostile and challenging terrain.

For 2022 the WR250F has undergone a major engine and chassis upgrade with advanced technology from the bike that has dominated the 250cc motocross class in 2021.

So far this year the YZ250F has won both the East and West AMA 250 Supercross titles, and has taken an impressive number of victories in the MX2 World Championship and the AMA 250MX National Championship. With a more powerful engine that delivers stronger performance across the rpm range, together with a revised frame with rebalanced rigidity levels and a more powerful braking system, the new WR250F has the ability to succeed at every level.

New WR250F: Faster and sharper

In the enduro world the WR250F is already one of the most competitive and useable bikes in its class. Its wide spread of torque makes it the kind of motorcycle that brings out the best performance in every rider – whatever their riding skill and off road experience. And its winning technology is backed up by Yamaha’s premium quality and legendary reliability.

Stronger engine performance

The 2022 WR250F is equipped with a higher specification liquid-cooled 4-stroke electric-start engine that has been substantially uprated by the adoption of many of the power-boosting features seen on the current championship-winning YZ250F.

A new YZ250F-type cylinder head is one of the key components that gives the 2022 WR250F much stronger mid to top-end performance for even faster special test times. The engine’s front-facing inlet also incorporates new ducting, and together with a wider YZ250F-type intake port this new design gives a superior intake flow rate for higher combustion efficiency and increased power across the rpm range.

The new head is also fitted with a redesigned exhaust camshaft for improved low to mid-range power. New ECU settings are designed to optimise the new engine’s useability at all speeds, and for all-day comfort there’s a redesigned balancer as well as a new shift cam that gives smoother and easier gearshifting. The wraparound header pipe features a new heat guard that prevents snagging – and there’s also a stronger bracket on the short muffler.

A key asset available to WR250F riders is the Power Tuner app that enables wireless engine tuning using a smartphone. This innovative technology makes it easy to adjust the engine power character to suit different terrains and changing surface conditions – and a handlebar-mounted switch makes it possible for the rider to select between 2 uploaded engine mappings for on-the-fly power adjustments.

Revised frame rigidity

For the 2022 race season the WR250F’s lightweight aluminium bilateral beam frame also features the latest technology from the winning YZ250F. Manufactured using Yamaha’s advanced CF die-casting technique that enables the use of walls of varying thicknesses, the frame features a revised balance of rigidity to match the higher performance of the new engine.

By adjusting the flex of the frame in specific locations – and fitting new tuned-rigidity engine mounts – Yamaha’s engineers are able to create an incredibly strong chassis that also delivers excellent levels of feedback, giving the rider a more connected feeling with the track surface.

Race-winning KYB suspension

Yamaha’s industry-leading KYB front forks with their best-in-class speed sensitive damping system are further refined for 2022 with a range of modifications that give even better feeling handling and steering. New damping settings match the revised rigidity of the new chassis, and a redesigned top triple clamp, handlebar clamps, footpegs and front axle further refine the ride quality.

The link type rear end has also been uprated with revised damping settings on the KYB shock to make the WR250’s suspension system one of the best original equipment packages in the enduro world.

Higher performance YZ250F-type front brake

Braking power is just as important as engine power, and the 2022 WR250F is equipped with a lighter and more powerful front brake set up from the MX2 GP-winning YZ250F.

This more advanced design uses a 30% more rigid front caliper that’s equipped with larger diameter 25.4mm pistons and a new 270mm front disc. New brake pads have a 25% greater surface area than the previous system, giving powerful and highly controllable braking performance that can shave precious seconds off crucial test times.

New multi-function meter

During a long and hard day’s riding the compact and lightweight new multi-meter keeps the rider informed with a range of information. In standard mode the meter displays the speedometer, clock, timer and two tripmeters – and in race mode the display shows the key information needed during an enduro such as average speed, timer and trip functionality. There’s also an accumulated fuel consumption meter indicator as well as fuel and engine warning lights.

New graphics

New 2022 graphics reflect Yamaha’s VictorYZone racing pedigree, and incorporate Icon Blue and dark blue in-mould graphics that provide excellent durability and scratch resistance to keep them looking good.

WR250F New features

  • New YZ250F type cylinder head
  • New YZ250F specification exhaust camshaft
  • New YZ250F shape intake port
  • New YZ250F type intake joint
  • Improved camchain tensioner design
  • Redesigned engine balancer
  • New gearbox shift cam
  • New CF-die cast aluminium Deltabox frame
  • New engine brackets with WR-specific rigidity levels
  • Industry leading KYB speed sensitive forks with revised damping settings
  • New top triple clamp with redesigned handlebar clamps
  • New YZ250F type footrests, handlebars and front axle
  • New multi-function meter
  • Stronger chain guide bracket
  • New 270mm front disc with 16% larger surface area
  • New more rigid front brake caliper with larger pistons
  • New front brake pads giving 25% more contact area with disc
  • New exhaust heat guard
  • New stronger muffler bracket

WR250F Other technical highlights

  • 250cc liquid-cooled 4-stroke DOHC engine
  • Reversed cylinder head with forward facing inlet
  • Yamaha Power Tuner for smartphone engine tuning
  • Electric start
  • Radiator cooling fan
  • Excellent mass centralisation for lightweight handling
  • Wide-ratio 6-speed enduro-specific transmission
  • Light feeling clutch with quick-adjuster
  • Compact and lightweight aluminium Deltabox frame
  • Industry-leading KYB speed sensitive damping coil spring front forks
  • Link-type rear suspension
  • KYB shock with high capacity reservoir
  • 4-position rubber-mounted adjustable handlebars
  • Handlebar-mounted dual mode engine mapping switch
  • 7.9 litre fuel tank
  • Lightweight resin skid plate
  • Icon Blue bodywork
  • Blue wheel rims
  • In mould graphics
  • Flat and slim seat
  • O-ring chain
  • High-mounted aluminium sidestand

2022 WR450F

Completely redesigned for the 2021 season, the WR450F is one of the quickest, toughest and most advanced bikes in its class. Like the uprated WR250F, the WR450F benefits from a wide range of winning technology from its MX sibling.

High-tech reversed cylinder head engine

The WR450F’s compact and lightweight 450cc powerplant features Yamaha’s signature reversed cylinder head design that brings with it a whole range of advantages, such as increased intake efficiency – and idealised mass centralisation that contributes towards the bike’s agile handling feeling, while the tough 5-speed transmission and heavy duty clutch are ready to deliver smooth and reliable shifting even during the most severe conditions. And the user-friendly Power Tuner gives increased versatilty by enabling engine settings to be amended quickly and easily to suit virtually any conditions.

Lightweight aluminium beam frame

The WR450F’s lightweight aluminium bilateral beam frame is manufactured using Yamaha’s unique CF (Controlled Fill) technology that enables the use of walls of varying thicknesses to give a finely tuned balance of rigidity – ideal for enduro, where accurate feel and precise feedback are crucial.

Best-in-class suspension

Suspension is amongst the best in class, and features the highly acclaimed KYB forks with the speed sensitive system that gives superior controllability in low and high speed riding – and the link type rear end features a specially tuned KYB rear shock. Both front and rear run with enduro-specific settings for effective bump absorption across a wide range of speeds and over different types of terrain.

The WR450F’s braking features the same system as the 2022 WR250F, with a 270mm front disc and a lightweight large-piston caliper giving outstanding stopping power together with accurate feel.

A compact and lightweight multi-function display features an odometer, two tripmeters, clock, timer/stopwatch – and a useful fuel consumption indicator enables riders and teams to plan fuel stops more accurately.

Icon Blue finish

Finished in Yamaha’s dynamic Icon Blue with in-mould graphics, the WR450F is one of the most impressive and best-equipped bikes in the 450cc class.

WR450F Other technical highlights

  • 250cc liquid-cooled 4-stroke DOHC engine
  • Reversed cylinder head with forward facing inlet
  • Yamaha Power Tuner for smartphone engine tuning
  • Electric start
  • Radiator cooling fan
  • Excellent mass centralisation for lightweight handling
  • Wide-ratio 6-speed enduro-specific transmission
  • Light feeling clutch with quick-adjuster
  • Compact and lightweight aluminium Deltabox frame
  • Industry-leading KYB speed sensitive damping coil spring front forks
  • Link-type rear suspension
  • KYB shock with high capacity reservoir
  • 4-position rubber-mounted adjustable handlebars
  • Handlebar-mounted dual mode engine mapping switch
  • 7.9 litre fuel tank
  • Lightweight resin skid plate
  • Icon Blue bodywork
  • Blue wheel rims
  • In mould graphics
  • Flat and slim seat
  • O-ring chain
  • High-mounted aluminium sidestand

WR250F and WR450F colours, availability and price

The WR250F and WR450F will be available in Icon Blue with new graphics. Prices in the UK for the WR450F £8,099 and WR250F £7,799 and will be available from October 2021

Yamaha Genuine Accessories and Off Road apparel

Yamaha offer a wide choice of parts and accessories for the WRF enduro models, and the constantly evolving range includes everything from consumables such as air filters and wheel bearing kits through to items that include anodised covers, folding front brake levers and wheel spacers that give the bike more individuality.

There is also a wide selection of riding and causal gear aimed at WRF owners, and includes Yamaha-branded jerseys, pants, socks and gloves, as well as armour, enduro riding jacket, body warmers, caps and T-shirts.

New 2022 Off Road Competition Range: True commitment to racing with all-new YZ125and YZ125 Monster Energy YamahaRacing Edition

Fighting all the way to the victorYZone

2020 witnessed Monster Energy Official Yamaha Factory MXGP and MX2 riders fighting at the front throughout the season, with Jeremy Seewer and Jago Geerts finishing the year as vice- champion in MXGP and MX2 respectively.

During the past season Yamaha has displayed incredible strength, with YZ450F riders taking two out of the top four places in the 2020 MXGP standings, while YZ250F riders took three out of the top five places in the 2020 MX2 standings, securing Yamaha the MX2 Manufacturer's World Title as a result.

In the USA, where the 2021 Supercross season has already concluded, Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing riders dominated both the 2021 250 SX East and West Championships aboard of their YZ250F machines.

Total and enduring commitment to Motocross

Ever since Yamaha won its first ever World Motocross championship almost 50 years ago, the company has been totally committed to supporting the sport and creating a range of winning machinery for riders of all ages. Yamaha was one of the first Japanese brands to produce purpose-built race bikes for youth riders, and the first to introduce to the track 4-stroke MX machines. Today the company continues to be a major force in motocross at every level and with a full commitment to every rider.

Yamaha especially recognises the importance of the youth motocross scene, where future champions perfect their skills before moving into the big league. This is why since 2015 Yamaha has operated the highly successful YZ bLU cRU FIM Europe Cup program that offers young YZ125, YZ85 and YZ65 riders the chance to qualify for the bLU cRU Europe Cup SuperFinale each year and make their name in front of a huge international audience at the prestigious Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations.

To underline the company’s long-term commitment to motocross, Yamaha will launch an all-new YZ125 for 2022, along with major upgrades for the YZ250 and YZ85 models that give every rider the opportunity to realise their true potential and head straight to the victorYZone!

All-new YZ125: Agility. Ability. Victory.

For 2022 the all-new YZ125 gets a completely redesigned higher performance engine along with a seriously upgraded chassis and a slimmer and more radical looking body to make this the most competitive YZ125 ever.

Delivering a significantly higher power output along with better useability – and featuring sharper handling, stronger braking and improved ergonomics – the new YZ125 is designed to become the default choice for up and coming riders looking to increase their confidence and experience, and take their performance to the next level.

Its advanced specification clearly demonstrates Yamaha’s desire to give tomorrow’s champions the very best equipment in their teenage years so that they’re ready to fight for the biggest prize when they move on up to the professional ranks.

New 125cc engine: Increased performance with improved useability

For 2022 Yamaha’s engineers have worked flat-out to create the most powerful engine ever fitted to a production YZ125. In their quest for stronger race-winning performance the design team have built an all-new 125cc, 2-stroke engine that develops significantly higher power in the mid to high rpm range.

Virtually every major component on the 2022 engine is new, and the comprehensive redesign delivers a significant increase in the maximum power output, to give the YZ125 a real winning advantage when the gate drops. The increased power together with improved useability and a better over-rev feeling enable motocross racers to take maximum advantage of the horsepower gains and outperform the opposition on all parts of the track.

All-new head, cylinder and piston

The YZ125’s cylinder head, cylinder and piston are completely redesigned as part of the drive towards achieving increased performance along with enhanced power characteristics. The most significant changes include a reshaped combustion chamber, as well as a shorter exhaust port and revised cylinder porting which give a significant improvement in combustion efficiency.

Newly designed YPVS

To complement the head and cylinder changes, a newly designed YPVS is featured. The maximum lift on the new exhaust power valve has been revised, and the timing of its opening and closing are also modified in order to improve engine performance and also enhance driveability.

New Keihin carburettor and V-Force reed valve

A major feature on the new engine is the use of a Keihin PWK 38.1mm carburettor equipped with a solenoid controlled power jet that gives an instant hit of power when required. The new carburettor features a TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) as well as a 3D map controlled CDI that ensures optimised ignition timing. Together with a new V-Force reed valve assembly and a revised manifold design, this new intake and carburettor gives the YZ125 rider stronger acceleration for out of the gate, and more explosive power when exiting corners.

Longer con rod and heavier crank

Other internal changes that contribute towards the new engine’s increased output include a longer con rod as well as a slightly heavier crank. This results in increased inertia that optimises the engine’s behaviour, and the revised crank balance is designed to match the new engine’s increased power output.

New high-efficiency air intake system

A key feature on the new YZ125 is its completely redesigned air intake system. By redesigning the rear frame as well as both sidepanels and reshaping the seat base, Yamaha’s engineers have reduced the resistance to incoming air by 15% and succeeded in dramatically increasing overall intake efficiency on the new model. This not only contributes significantly towards improving the mid to high rpm pulling power and improving the over-rev character, it also sharpens the low to mid rpm throttle response for more stable running at lower revs.

New exhaust pipe and shorter silencer

The dimensions and shape of the exhaust have been changed for 2022 to match the other changes to the engine for optimised power and useability. The expansion pipe’s diameter is slightly reduced at its widest point, and the silencer is 50mm shorter.

Stronger and smoother shifting transmission

The YZ125’s 6-speed transmission has been strengthened for 2022 in order to handle the increase in maximum power. Secondary reduction ratio is slightly increased with the use of a 13/49 front/rear sprocket set – previously 13/48 – and for improved driveability 5th and 6th gears run with a slightly reduced ratio. A new shift shaft and redesigned return spring give a much smoother shift feel, and to handle the increased engine power the new YZ125 features uprated clutch springs.

Athletic and more compact body

The 2022 YZ125 is equipped with slimmer tank, new seat and revised graphics that give the bike a radical, modern and athletic look to complement its increased engine performance – as well as enabling the rider to achieve an even higher degree of chassis control.

Flatter seat

For improved rider ability, freer movement and easier body weight shifting the seat’s upper surface has been flattened by lowering the front by 6mm and raising the rear by 5mm, while the new fuel tank blends seamlessly with the front of the seat – and for easier maintenance there’s also a new single-bolt seat fixing.

Slimmer tank and radiator shrouds

The YZ125 is already one of the lightest and most agile dirt bikes in its class, and the new model is even slimmer thanks to the use of a new fuel tank and narrow radiator shrouds that make this the most compact YZ125 ever. Width between the rider’s knees is reduced by nearly 36mm to give a real feeling of slimness and agility for improved ergonomics and rider mobility.

Newly designed fenders and sidepanels

To achieve the new high-efficiency air intake system the sidepanels, rear fender and underside of the new seat have been redesigned, so as to give an unrestricted flow of air into the airbox. The shape of the front fender has also been revised to give a more aerodynamic and dynamic look.

Newly designed rear frame

The YZ125’s is equipped with a performant, high-specification and lightweight aluminium semi- double cradle frame. And for 2022 the detachable rear frame features a new mounting point for the shorter silencer, while a newly designed raised cross member allows for improved intake efficiency by giving a clear route for incoming air. This new cross member also accommodates the new single bolt seat mounting point for easier maintenance.

Revised suspension settings

The YZ125’s KYB front and rear suspension systems are regarded as being amongst the best in class, incorporating a leaf-spring in the valve design that gives excellent damping at mid speeds. For 2022 these high-specification suspension systems are further refined, and both the front forks and rear shock feature revised low speed damping characteristics for enhanced chassis performance.

More powerful front brake and lighter rear brake

For increased braking power together with more precise feel the new model is equipped with a new more rigid twin-pot caliper and redesigned 270mm diameter disc. Featuring larger diameter 25.4mm pistons together with new pads that give a 30% increase in contact area with the disc, this new more powerful front braking system enables riders to reduce lap times by braking harder and later.

New generation colours and graphics

The new YZ125 adopts the latest Icon Blue colours consisting of a duo-tone finish that blends Yamaha’s famous Icon Blue with a dark matte blue. The all-new body and new in-mould graphics accentuate the dynamic and athletic stance of this new generation 125cc model, and clearly demonstrate Yamaha’s commitment to delivering the most competitive and attractive package to tomorrow’s champions.

YZ125 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition

As well as the Icon Blue YZ125, Yamaha have created the YZ125 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition that offers every aspiring teenage rider the chance to own and race a bike with genuine factory style. Featuring an exclusive black colour scheme and graphics inspired by the Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP and MX2 team bikes, the YZ125 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition is the ultimate production 125cc race bike from Yamaha.

Technical specifications for YZ125 and YZ125 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition are the same.

YZ125 Technical Highlights

  • Faster and sharper model for 2022
  • All-new higher performance 125cc engine
  • Stronger mid to high rpm power, with improved useability
  • Increased maximum power
  • New Keihin carburettor with TPS and power jet
  • Redesigned YPVS
  • Reshaped exhaust and shorter silencer
  • New high-efficiency air intake
  • Stronger 6-speed transmission, revised ratios and uprated clutch
  • Improved gear shift feel
  • Lightweight aluminium frame
  • Redesigned rear frame
  • New slimmer body – 36mm narrower between knees
  • Newly designed fenders and sidepanels
  • Improved ergonomics with new fuel tank and flatter seat
  • Higher performance braking system
  • Best-in-class KYB suspension with revised low-speed settings
  • New Icon Blue duo-tone colours and in-mould graphics
  • Also available in Monster Black factory colours

New YZ250: 2 Strokes. First place.

Few other motocross bikes can come close to matching the Yamaha YZ250 2-stroke in terms of its history, enduring world-wide popularity and its enviable track record. It was the original YZ250 that gave Yamaha its first ever World Championship with Håkan Andersson back in 1973 – the first of many 250cc FIM World Championship and AMA Supercross titles to be claimed by this iconic motocross bike over the next few decades by some of the sport’s greatest riders.

And today this remarkable race bike’s reputation and popularity are as strong as ever with those riders who appreciate its light weight, mechanical simplicity, great looks and winning performance. It’s fair to say that the YZ250 is a true legend in the off-road world – how many other motocross bikes have dedicated Facebook pages with thousands of followers!

For 2022 the evolution of this highly successful motocross bike continues, and the new YZ250 comes with all-new super slim bodywork that sharpens up its profile to make it one of the most dynamic looking bikes on the track. But the new model is much more than simply a cosmetic restyle, and its new enhanced chassis specification includes more powerful braking, revised suspension, new lightweight components and a high-efficiency intake system.

Super-slim body with strong horizontal line

The YZ250 is equipped with all-new super slim bodywork that is similar to the design used on the all-new YZ125, and features a strong horizontal line that gives the bike an aggressive and purposeful look. The new tank and radiator shrouds give much narrower dimensions between the rider’s knees for enhanced rider mobility when weight shifting and cornering – and the compact body also creates a feeling of lightness and agility that reinforce the athletic character of the new model.

Flatter seat

As well as the narrower body width, the 2022 YZ250 features a newly designed seat that has a flatter upper surface that improves the bike’s ergonomics and makes front/rear weight shifting easier and quicker.

New rear fender and sidepanels give enhanced air intake efficiency

The front fenders features a sharper and more dynamic look, and the sidepanels and rear fender have been redesigned to enhance air intake efficiency. This is done by incorporating larger rear vents in the sidepanels, as well as designing the underside of the seat and the shape of the top of the rear fender so that they do not impede air flow. The resulting increase in overall intake efficiency contributes towards improved performance at higher engine speeds. And to match the new air intake the YZ250 is fitted with a new exhaust featuring a revised shape and modified dimensions.

Lighter and more powerful brakes

The new YZ250 features a powerful new braking system that delivers increased performance and feel while at the same time reducing weight. The newly designed 270mm front disc is the same diameter as previously, but by fitting a new more rigid caliper with larger diameter 25.4mm pistons, the new front brake has a 30% larger pad area. This combination of higher caliper rigidity together with a much larger pad area gives outstanding braking power as well as accurate feel for precision one-finger braking.

The rear brake has also been improved with the fitment of a slightly smaller diameter 240mm disc – down by 5mm – as well as a newly designed caliper that gives the same pad area and braking performance as the previous model, while saving almost 100g in weight.

Revised suspension settings

The YZ250’s 48mm high-specification KYB SSS front forks and KYB link-type Monocross rear suspension set the industry benchmark, and for 2022 the factory settings have been revised to give even better low speed damping characteristics.

Weight saving components

Further small but nevertheless important weight reductions have been achieved by the use of a newly designed clutch lever and rear sprocket.

New colours and graphics

The 2022 YZ250 is finished in a dynamic and high quality Icon Blue duo-tone finish with durable in-mould graphics that are designed to withstand harsh motocross riding conditions.

YZ250 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition

For 2022 Yamaha will release an exclusive new YZ250 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition. Finished in Monster Black colour and featuring factory replica graphics that make this legendary motocross bike even more of an attention grabber on the track and in the paddock.

This is the first time that this exclusive colour and graphics package has been offered on the YZ250, and is inspired by the Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP and MX2 team bikes.

Technical specifications for YZ250 and YZ250 Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition are the same.

YZ250 Technical Highlights

  • 250cc 2-stroke liquid-cooled YPVS motor
  • Lightweight aluminium chassis
  • New high-efficiency air intake
  • Reshaped exhaust
  • New slimmer body – 36mm narrower between knees
  • Newly designed fenders and sidepanels
  • Improved ergonomics with new fuel tank and flatter seat
  • Higher performance braking system
  • Revised KYB factory suspension settings
  • New lighter handlebars and shorter levers
  • New Icon Blue duo-tone colours and in-mould graphics
  • Also available in Monster Black factory colours

YZ85: Victory. Never given, always earned.

Many of today’s motocross legends started out on the Yamaha YZ85. Light, nimble, fast and reliable, this is a high-specification scaled down version of Yamaha’s larger capacity race bikes. Featuring much of the same advanced engine and chassis technology as the YZ125 and YZ250, the new 2022 YZ85 is the very best start that any racer can get on the long and exciting journey towards a career as a professional racer.

With compact new bodywork as well as a flatter seat and range of chassis revisions, many of the changes on the new YZ85 mirror those seen on the all-new YZ125 – and like its larger sibling, the new YZ85 is designed to deliver a stronger, better and more athletic package for riders aiming for the victorYZone.

Dynamic new styling

The new 2022 styling bears a close resemblance to the larger capacity YZ models, and the compact new bodywork features a strong horizontal theme that together with the flat seat and restyled sidepanels gives this youth race bike a confident and aggressive stance.

The new duo-tone colour scheme features contrasting areas of Icon Blue and dark matte blue – and the new in-mould graphics are designed to withstand many motos in tough conditions, helping to keep this high-tech race bike looking good throughout the season.

Slim new bodywork

For 2022 the YZ85 is equipped with slimmer bodywork that gives the rider greater freedom of body movement for a higher degree of control when accelerating, braking and cornering. The redesigned radiator shrouds are 25mm narrower at their widest point, and now feature a uniform left-right configuration that adds to the balanced feel of the bike from the rider’s viewpoint.

There’s also a newly designed front fender with an upper that’s designed to help direct airflow into the YZ85’s radiator for effective cooling and consistently strong engine performance. The dynamic design also complements the compact new bodywork and reinforces the bike’s YZ family DNA it has inherited from the YZ125.

Flatter seat and redesigned fuel tank

And like the YZ125, the new YZ85 is equipped with a flatter seat that enables the rider to shift their body weight more easily. The ergonomics are further improved by the new 5-litre fuel tank with a redesigned fuel cap that gives greater freedom of body movement towards the front of the bike. The seat also adopts a new single bolt fixing, making routine maintenance easier and quicker.

Rear position high-efficiency air intake

Newly designed sidepanels on the YZ85 perform two important roles: Firstly, their smooth and close fitting design promotes rider manoeuvrability for rapid front/rear weight shifting. And secondly they feature new rear vents that give a straighter flow of air into the engine’s airbox, thereby giving greater intake efficiency for improved engine performance.

More linear rear brake performance

For a more linear rear braking character the YZ85 is equipped with a new master cylinder with a built-in sub-reservoir. This new more efficient design replaces the previous model’s separate reservoir and connecting hose to give a more natural and linear brake feel with more precise feedback.

Lightweight aluminium rear frame and new swingarm

For 2022 the chassis on the new YZ85 is equipped with a new lightweight aluminium rear frame that is 570gr lighter than the steel unit used on the previous model, a significant reduction in weight that also contributes towards the bike’s mass centralisation.

Also new is a redesigned swingarm that features a revised balance between its longitudinal rigidity and torsional rigidity. This subtle but significant change improves chassis stability and allows the rider to transmit power to the ground more effectively.

YZ85 Technical Highlights

  • 85cc 2-stroke YPVS engine
  • Fully adjustable KYB suspension
  • Large diameter wave-type disc brakes
  • Slim and dynamic new style
  • Reduced weight
  • New bodywork
  • Improved ergonomics
  • Narrower bodywork between the rider’s knees
  • New left/right shrouds with uniform configuration
  • New fuel tank, seat and sidepanels
  • Improved air intake efficiency
  • Lightweight aluminium rear frame
  • Redesigned swingarm with revised rigidity
  • More progressive rear brake
  • New Icon Blue duo-tone colours and in-mould graphics

YZ450F & YZ250F: Proven MXGP and MX2 winners

Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP and MX2 riders clearly demonstrated the winning performance of the YZ450F and YZ250F with a number of hard-fought race wins in 2020 that secured them the vice-Champion overall in both the MXGP and MX2 World Championships, as well the MX2 Manufacturer Title.

For 2022 these cutting-edge high-tech race bikes continue with a range of technical changes designed to optimise their proven winning potential. Both models are lighter and feature revised suspension settings as well as a new rear sprocket with a gold-coloured chain, and DID wheel rims are fitted. The YZ250F rear wheel features a wider 2.15 rim and a 110/90 tyre, as well as a lighter hub and revised spoke pattern. And with the Yamaha Power Tuner on the YZ450F and YZ250F, riders and their technicians are enabled to make instant changes to engine character via a mobile phone – to quickly and easily set-up their bike to suit different tracks and changing surface conditions.

The YZ450F and YZ250F Icon Blue colour scheme features a new duo-tone blue body, as well as new in-mould graphics. For the UK market Yamaha will offer the YZ250F in the Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition colours with Monster Black bodywork and factory team style graphics.


Yamaha was one of the first manufacturers to build youth motocross bikes for future champions back in the 1970s, and the company is more committed than ever to this important part of the marketplace. With its race-bred specification that includes a smooth-running liquid-cooled 2- stroke engine with 6-speed transmission, and an easy-handling chassis with long-travel suspension and wave-type disc brakes, the YZ65 is the ideal start for every young rider.

For 2022 the YZ65 features new graphics that reflect its YZ family DNA, and is available in the Icon Blue colour option.


This is the bike that has been introducing kids and their parents to the joys of motorcycling for over 40 years. Powered by a simple 50cc 2-stroke engine with a fully automatic ‘twist and go’ transmission and a low-maintenance shaft drive, the PW50 has sold over 380,000 units in more than 150 countries, making it the most popular kids bike ever built by Yamaha. It’s a successful formula that has stood the test of time, and for 2022 the “Little Giant” comes in Icon Blue and features new graphics.

And with the Little Champ Pack, consisting of training wheels, racing design seat cover, Little Champ sticker kit as well as a Yamaha racing sticker sheet, also young riders can create a factory racing look on their PW50.

Yamaha Genuine Accessories

Yamaha Genuine Accessories covers everything from premium riding gear and leisure clothing through to GYTR Performance Parts and kits, as well as individual accessories and Yamalube lubricants. By always insisting on Genuine Yamaha Accessories, every rider can be sure of the high quality and perfect fit of every accessory item. And in the case of GYTR Performance Parts, every racer and their team can be assured that each component has been thoroughly tested by Yamaha factory riders before being made available to privateer riders.

All-new WR450F: Increased power, sharper handling and stronger braking

With an outright ISDE win and numerous Enduro World Championship podiums to its credit, the Yamaha WR450F is recognised throughout the off road world as being one of the quickest, toughest and most competitive bikes in its class.
For 2021 the all new WR450F is completely redesigned, and now benefits from the same advanced engine and chassis technology first seen on Yamaha's latest generation YZ450F motocross bikes. Equipped with a lighter and more powerful engine as well as an all-new sharper handling aluminium bilateral beam frame – together with an industry-leading suspension package and outstanding new braking systems – this high-tech enduro weapon goes, turns and stops better than ever before. Featuring one of the highest specifications in its category, the 2021 WR450F is waiting to be unleashed by experienced enduro racers and trail riders who demand the very highest levels of useable engine performance along with lightweight manoeuvrability, added stability, easy cornering and outstanding braking.
Finished in a dynamic new Icon Blue colour scheme and featuring blue number plates and minimalist graphics, the 2021 WR450F comes with a range of the very latest best-in-class technology – giving every off road rider the opportunity to up their game and take their performance to the next level.

Lighter, more powerful and compact new 450cc engine

The current WR450F engine is already renowned for its wide band of enormous power and outstanding torque that deliver impressive performance in a wide variety of riding conditions.
In order to be able to achieve even stronger and more controllable power across the rev range, Yamaha's engineers have developed the all-new WR450F powerplant, based on the latest high performance YZ450F motocross engine, that is significantly lighter and more compact. Yamaha have made a number of key technical adjustments to suit the different requirements of the enduro rider, including model-specific intake and exhaust systems, as well as optimised fuel injection and ignition maps for the ECU that help to deliver more useable and controllable power together with strong topend performance.

New cylinder head and piston design

The 2021 WR450F engine features a new lighter cylinder head and new piston design that gives an increased compression ratio – up from 12.8:1 on the 2020 WR450F to 13.0:1 on the new model. With its long and straight front-facing inlet, the WR450F's reverse cylinder head offers outstanding efficiency, and for 2021 the intake port shape is revised and the intake and exhaust valve angles are changed from 21.5 degrees to 14.5 degrees to create a more concave combustion chamber for enhanced combustion efficiency and stronger power across the rpm range.
The new cylinder head is equipped with a large number of magnesium components that contribute towards a 310g weight saving, and features relocated camshafts that are positioned closer to each other – while the vertical distance between the camshafts and the crankshaft is also reduced to give a much more compact layout. The combination of lower weight and reduced dimensions achieves enhanced mass centralisation, and this contributes significantly towards the new model's lighter feeling and increased agility when cornering – making the 2021 WR450F one of the easiest-handling large-capacity enduro models.

Yamaha Power Tuner for easy smartphone tuning

In 2019 the WR450F pioneered the use of advanced digital technology when it became the first enduro bike to feature onboard connectivity that enabled remote wireless tuning via a smartphone. The all new2021 model continues to lead the field with its Yamaha Power Tuner that enables riders and mechanics to quickly and easily adjust the fuel/air mix and ignition timing mapping so that the bike can be set up to suit different circuit and weather conditions.
After downloading the free Power Tuner app for IOS or Android devices it's possible to fine tune the bike's engine character via a smartphone, enabling WR450F owners to achieve optimal performance to suit fast MX tests as well as tricky technical terrain. Riders can also access and record a range of data, including system diagnosis, engine run time and more, making the Power Tuner an indispensable part of any toolkit!

Handlebar-mounted adjustable mapping switch

The 2021 model is equipped with a handlebar-mounted mapping switch that enables the rider to select one of two maps while riding. By switching between maps the rider can select the best engine power character to suit changing weather conditions or terrain variations, making the WR450F more adaptable and controllable wherever it goes.

Compact electric starter

The new high-performance 450cc engine comes with a compact and lightweight electric starter that enables the rider to get moving quickly and effortlessly. Which is particularly useful when starting on a hill or when riding across a steep gradient.

Advanced fuel injection system

The 2021 WR450F is equipped with a highly-advanced fuel injection system that has been successfully used on the latest YZ450F motocross bike. The reverse cylinder head feeds cool and fresh air via a front-facing straight inlet into the latest Mikuni® fuel injection system. Equipped with a 44mm throttle body and a high pressure electric pump, this fuel injection system delivers the atomized fuel/air mix into the compact new high compression cylinder head for excellent running performance at all engine speeds.

High efficiency angled radiators

To handle the significantly increased levels of both power and torque, the higher specification 2021engine is equipped with newly designed high efficiency radiators. For optimal cooling efficiency for winning performance, these new radiators are angled so that they face the incoming airflow more directly, ensuring that the 450cc engine is able to run efficiently throughout the day. There's also a thermostatically controlled fan that cuts in when required to maintain a strong and consistent flow of air in slow or hot riding conditions.

Tougher wide ratio 5-speed transmission

The 2021 WR450F's 5-speed transmission is engineered to handle the toughest tests that endure offers. It's specially designed shift drum and selectors give improved feel together with a shorter stroke when changing gear, and the uprated heavy duty clutch is built to deliver increased durability for consistent operation throughout the longest enduro. The WR450F's gears are manufactured with a larger surface area compared to the motocross model, and this helps to spread the load more evenly for smoother shifting and increased durability. Running with a lower 1 , 2 and 3 gear – and a higher 5 gear – than the YZ450F, the enduro model's transmission provides the ideal choice of ratios for technical and high speed riding.

Mass-centralised wraparound exhaust

By keeping all of the major components located close to the machine's centre, the WR450F's compact new lightweight reverse cylinder head engine achieves excellent mass centralisation, and this plays a crucial role in contributing towards the bike's lightweight and agile handling. Fitted with an endure specific muffler, the wraparound exhaust is a perfect example of how Yamaha's engineers are able to keep weight close to the bike's centre and achieve increased power and control.

New lighter aluminium frame for sharper handling

The 2021 WR450F features an all-new lightweight aluminium bilateral beam frame that is manufactured using the same controlled fill technology as the flagship YZ450F motocross machine. To suit the different requirements of enduro riders the frame's rigidity balance has been retuned by using thinner main spars together with thinner bottom tubes. In addition the shape and the bolt tightening stiffness for the front and rear engine mount brackets is also modified to give improved feedback over bumps and an enhanced feeling of connectivity with the track surface.

Revised front end rigidity

Further WR-specific chassis tuning can be found at the front end, where the new lighter top triple clamp, front wheel axle and bar mounts have all been redesigned to deliver a more precise steering feeling as well as improved grip. And to make it easier for riders to shift their weight over the frontend, the handlebar position is moved 15mm forward and 5mm lower.

Industry leading suspension systems

Featuring speed sensitive damping that ensures excellent bump absorption and strong traction at all riding speeds, the fully adjustable coil spring twin chamber KYB® forks are widely regarded as being one of the ultimate front suspension systems in the off road business. Using the same high-tech forks at the latest YZ450F and equipped with speed sensitive damping and special enduro-specific settings, this industry-leading front end enables the rider to fully exploit the increased engine performance of the all new 2021 WR450F.
At the rear end the WR450F is fitted with a fully-adjustable link-type system that's equipped with a specially-tuned KYB® shock. Running with enduro-specific settings, this lightweight rear suspension system is designed to deliver excellent traction at low and high speeds together with extremely effective bump absorption at all speeds.

Stronger stopping power

As well as going faster the 2021 model also stops faster, enabling riders to make up valuable time in tight sections. Like the latest YZ450F, the 2021 WR450F benefits from a more rigid front brake caliper running with larger pistons – up from 22.65mm to 25.4mm diameter. Brake pad surface area is increased by 25%, and the newly designed 270mm front disc gives a 16% increase in contact area without any weight increase.

More compact multifunction display

For 2021 the WR450F is fitted with new multifunction display that is much more compact and easier to read. The meter features an odometer, two trip meters, clock, timer/stopwatch – and a new and very useful fuel consumption indicator that enables riders and teams to plan fuel stops more accurately. The unit features a higher contrast LCD display that offers better readability in all conditions, and its unified design and reduced width and depth give a much neater look that enhances the feeling of lightness from the rider's viewpoint.

Lighter chromoly footpegs

New chromoly footpegs replace the previous stainless steel units, to give a 70g weight saving. Further weight savings are made by using the lightweight front axle, top triple clamp and handlebar clamps from the latest YZ450F.

Dynamic new Icon Blue colour

To mark the introduction of the most advanced enduro bike ever produced by Yamaha, the 3generation WR450F is finished in a dynamic new Icon Blue colour scheme in common with all of the2021 Yamaha Off Road Competition models. Minimalist new graphics reinforce the bike's purposefuland sophisticated new look, and the front and side plates are also finished in the Icon Blue to give acoordinated and professional appearance.2021 WR450F Technical Highlights

2021 WR450F Technical Highlights

  • Ultra-compact new YZ450F-based engine, increased power and improved control
  • Lighter and more compact cylinder head
  • New piston design and increased compression ratio
  • Yamaha Power Tuner for instant track-side tuning via a smartphone
  • Handlebar-mounted engine mode switch for on-the-fly adjustment
  • Advanced fuel injection system with enduro-specific settings for optimum power
  • Large capacity angled radiators with fan ensure effective engine cooling
  • Robust enduro-specific 5-speed wide ratio transmission
  • Heavy duty enduro clutch for positive shifting and consistent performance
  • Lighter aluminium bilateral beam frame with enduro-specific rigidity balance
  • Class-leading KYB® coil spring-type speed sensitive front suspension
  • Link-type rear suspension with specially-tuned KYB® shock
  • Revised riding position and 4-positionadjustable handlebars
  • Lighter YZ450F type front axle, top triple clamp and handlebar clamps
  • Lighter and more powerful brakes
  • Tool-free airbox access
  • Compact electric starter
  • 7.9 litre fuel tank and compact fuel pump
  • Lighter chromoly footpegs and forged aluminium sidestand
  • Large plastic engine guard
  • Sealed chain

Special Monster Energy® Yamaha Racing Editions for YZ250F and YZ450F offer genuine factory team style

For 2020 the strong relationship between Yamaha and Monster Energy is further reinforced by the new Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MX2 Team with riders Jago Geerts and Ben Watson. Run alongside the Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP Team of Gautier Paulin, Jeremy Seewer and Arnaud Tonus, this talented line-up is ready to fight hard for the podium during the 2020 race season. To celebrate this full factory onslaught on both the MXGP and MX2 titles, Yamaha announce the launch of the YZ250F Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition and YZ450F Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition models. Featuring black and blue bodywork with exclusive Monster Energy graphics, the YZ250F and YZ450F Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition models offer motocross riders the opportunity to own an aggressively-styled 2021 production bike* with the genuine factory look of Yamaha’s Grand Prix team bikes.

*Both Monster Energy Yamaha Racing Edition models feature the same technical specifications as the standard models.

YZ450F Monster Energy Racing Edition

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YZ250F Monster Energy Racing Edition

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New YZ250F aiming for the podium

In the company’s 65th anniversary year the commitment to winning is as strong as it ever has been, with Yamaha riders powering to remarkable results across the world. 2020 got off to an outstanding start, with Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing rider Dylan Ferrandis defending his crown and scoringa back-to-back 250SX West Coast Championship title on his YZ250F a cross the Atlantic. And Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MX2 rider Jago Geerts winning his first Grand Prix at the opening round of the FIM MX2 World Championship series.

The philosophy that racing should play a key role in the company’s operations started back in July 1955 when Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd was founded. Yamaha won its first race first time out, and on this day the company’s future direction was chosen. And still today, at every level within Yamaha, racing is deeply embedded within the company’s DNA – and the 2021 motocross range demonstrates that Yamaha continues to do whatever it takes to give every competitor the very real opportunity to fulfil their genuine potential.

With the strong range of high-performance 4-stroke and 2-stroke race bikes – as well as some of the world’s favourite kids’ dirt bikes – Yamaha is ready to welcome everybody to the victorYZone.

New YZ250F: Tune. Race. Win.

The YZ250F has already made a big name for itself as one of the most competitive 250 4-strokes out there. At every level this outstanding motocross bike has proved that it has what it takes to win in all conditions, in MX and SX. For the 2021 model year Yamaha is aiming even higher with the launch of the new YZ250F – equipped with thoroughly refined engine, revised frame, new suspension settings, new brakes and advanced digital technologies in this ultra-competitive class.

Completely redesigned engine

Every major component has been redesigned and improved in order to give Yamaha riders a genuine advantage on the racetrack. With its industry-leading reverse cylinder head design that delivers enhanced intake efficiency and improved mass centralisation, the 250cc 4-valve powerplant is already in a class of its own.

For the 2021 model year Yamaha’s engineers have analysed each and every key component and made a large number of significant changes that are designed to give a wider band of stronger and smoother race-winning performance – as well as an enhanced transmission for slicker shifting.

New exhaust camshaft profile

The 2021 engine’s power feeling from the mid rpm range through to over-rev performance has been refined and improved by the use of a new exhaust camshaft with a revised profile that reduces valve overlap. Together with optimised fuel injection settings, this new camshaft improves the YZ250F’s engine character above mid rpm, giving a higher level of performance together with greater controllability.

All-new high-efficiency intake system

The YZ250F’s front-facing inlet is a key feature that gives this lightweight 4-stroke a very real advantage. As well as ensuring the delivery of cool and fresh air directly into the engine for increased combustion efficiency and instant throttle response, it also facilitates the use of a unique rearwards-inclined cylinder that achieves excellent mass centralisation which contributes towards the bike’s easy agility and lightweight handling.

The intake system on the 2021 model is all new, and the redesigned airbox does away with the intake funnel and has been shortened by 20mm to give a smoother and more direct route for the incoming air. Another key change is the use of a new air cleaner box cover mounted at the front of the seat. Featuring new ducts, the 2021 cover increases the volume of intake air to deliver even stronger performance at high rpm.

New high-performance muffler

To complement the increased high rpm performance of the 2021 engine, a new muffler with an increased capacity is fitted. Just 70mm longer than the previous design, the new system is constructed to give smoother acceleration especially at high rpm, and delivers a deep and subdued exhaust note that emphasises the torque-rich nature of this 250cc 4-stroke engine.

Stronger clutch housing and smooth-shifting transmission

To complement the new engine’s increased performance the clutch housing has been redesigned. The clutch basket features thicker walls that are significantly stronger, giving increased durability and consistently strong performance throughout the race.

3rd, 4th and 5th gears on both the input and output shafts have been redesigned to give improved transmission performance, and selected gears are shot peened to give greater strength to match theincreased engine performance.

Refined bilateral beam frame takes handling to a new level

The YZ250F is already renowned for its super-agile and lightweight handling – and ongoing evaluation and testing have enabled Yamaha’s designers to refine the frame structure and take chassis performance to the next level.

The 2021 YZ250F is equipped with a new aluminium bilateral beam frame that – while outwardly similar to the previous design – features a number of significant changes that match the increased performance of the 2021 engine and make a tangible improvement to handling feel and performance. By fine-tuning the frame’s rigidity levels at key locations, Yamaha’s designers have been able to create a chassis that achieves lightweight handling together with a precise and confident feel. Other chassis components such as the top triple clamp, handlebar mounts, and front axle were also redesigned to complement the new frame – all contributing to the 2021 model’s increased competitiveness.

Revised front and rear suspension settings give greater control

Yamaha’s motocross models are widely regarded as having one of the best suspension packages in the industry. At the front end the KYB® inverted coil spring-type forks feature speed sensitive damping to give outstanding handling performance, while at the rear end the KYB® shock and link-type Monocross system work together to deliver optimum control together with high levels of rear wheel traction.

To ensure it maintains its position as one of the very best motocross suspension systems ‘straight from the factory’, the 2021 package is further refined. The settings on the KYB® front forks are revised to give more progressive damping throughout the entire stroke, and this gives the rider a stronger feeling of contact with the track surface while also delivering better bump absorption that helps conserve rider energy. At the rear the KYB® shock runs with revised settings that give a more stable ride with a reduced tendency to pitch.

These important suspension improvements – combined with the refined rigidity balance of the bilateral beam frame – elevate the 2021 YZ250F’s handling qualities to an even higher level. As well as being lighter handling, the new model gives a more precise feeling that enables the rider to hold their chosen line for faster cornering. Front wheel and rear wheel traction is also improved by these chassis changes, giving greater levels of machine control for a real advantage over the opposition.

Lighter and more powerful braking system

Braking performance is increased and braking system weight is reduced for 2021. The redesigned front caliper is 30% more rigid than previously and uses larger diameter pistons and newly designed brake pads – while a new 270mm front disc achieves a 16% increase in pad contact surface area without any increase in weight. The rear brake caliper design is also new, and together with a new 240mm rear disc this system maintains the same level of braking power while weighing 120g less.

Delivering improved braking performance and better feeling, the new braking system makes an important contribution to the 2021 YZ250F’s increased competitiveness and enhanced ride quality.

Revised handlebar position

In order to achieve the optimal riding position for enhanced controllability, the handlebars on the 2021 YZ250F are mounted further forward, enabling the rider to load the front end and shift their bodyweight over the front wheel as and when required.

New handlebar clamps are mounted to a new lighter top triple clamp, and both units feature a revised rigidity balance for reduced stress on the rider’s arms. The new chromoly steel footrests are also lighter, as is the new front axle shaft, enabling the Yamaha YZ250F to weigh in at just 106kg with a full 6.2 litre fuel tank and 0.95 litres of engine oil – just 3kg more than the YZ250 2-stroke.

Dynamic new Icon Blue bodywork with coordinated number plates

Yamaha Racing has made blue its very own, and for an even sharper and more dynamic look the 2021 YZ250F is equipped with new Icon Blue bodywork featuring colour coordinated front and side number plates. Also equipped with blue rims, cylinder head and other engine details, the 2021 model presents a more forceful and sleek appearance that is unmistakeably Yamaha DNA.

Yamaha Power Tuner

The industry-leading Power Tuner is an easy to use digital technology that enables YZ250F – as well asYZ450F – riders to fine-tune the bike’s engine power character at the trackside using their smartphone. Riders and mechanics can simply download the free Power Tuner App for IOS or Android devices, and then instantly connect with the YZ250F to make adjustments to fuel injection and ignition timing via the bike’s CCU. In the Power Tuner app riders can create their own settings, and using the handlebar mounted button they can switch between two of the maps.

Besides being able to make changes to the engine’s performance, the Power Tuner can also be used to record race log information and monitor a range of data, including system diagnostics, run time and maintenance – as well as comparing and sharing race logs and settings with fellow riders.

YZ250F New Features for 2021

  • Redesigned high-performance engine with stronger top end power
  • Smoother throttle response with longer over-rev feeling
  • Optimised exhaust camshaft design with new profile and reduced overlap
  • Idealised fuel injection settings deliver enhanced power character
  • Completely redesigned intake system boosts high rpm performance
  • Larger capacity muffler for seamless high rpm acceleration
  • Stronger clutch housing to handle increased engine performance
  • Redesigned transmission gears with optimised performance and strength
  • New-specification bilateral beam frame with idealised strength/rigidity balance
  • Revised front and rear suspension settings offer improved controllability
  • Lighter and more powerful front (Ø270 mm) and rear brakes (Ø240 mm)
  • Lighter handlebar crown and revised handlebar position
  • Lighter chromoly steel footpegs
  • Lighter front axle shaft
  • Icon Blue bodywork and matching blue front and side plates

YZ250F Continued Technical Features

  • Liquid-cooled DOHC 4-valve engine with reversed cylinder head
  • Mass-centralised engine configuration with rearward-inclined cylinder
  • High-efficiency forward-facing inlet and rear-exit exhaust
  • Lightweight titanium valves for ultra-responsive performance
  • Lightweight exhaust delivers strong pulse effect
  • Heavy-duty clutch with excellent feel
  • Special shift camshaft shape delivers smooth and accurate gear shifting
  • Power Tuner smartphone app enables precise, quick and easy trackside tuning
  • ECU 2-map switch for adjusting engine power character while riding
  • Electric starter with lightweight lithium-ion battery
  • Industry-leading KYB® spring-type inverted forks with speed-sensitive damping
  • KYB® rear shock and link-type Monocross rear suspension